Monday, October 6, 2008

Mick, Surgery and Recouperation

Mick before surgery...don't you just love the hat!
He was out of it, that's how I could get pictures like this!

Mick After Surgery

Mick is my youngest. At 22 he still is the baby. He is also the one that is always having some kind of adventure/accident....and a hospital file to go along with it.

So we add to the file today. This was probably one of the larger of his injuries, and just one of the many that have needed some intervention in the surgery/repair department. He had to have his ACL replaced with a cadaver graft. We spent most of the day at the Cleveland Clinic and now as the day ends, we are nursing Mr. Crabby Pants back to health, with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.....drugs are also involved with this one!

It all started last month when he was trying to hold onto a cow, while she was delivering a calf. His knee buckled and gave way and the next thing he knew he was laying in the manure. After a trip to the local ER we got on the phone and tracked down the best surgeon we could find.
Dr. Schickendantz is a surgeon for the Cleveland Indians. Well a couple of appointments and a MRI and we were on our way. We are thankful that everything has gone well.

So now we have 2 of us recuperating, me for my shoulder and Mick for his knee.....we make a great pair!


angie {the arthur clan} said...

He is going to just love you for posting those pictures on the internet! :)

I hope you both are feeling 100% real soon.


ChickenGal said...

Everyone here is on the road to recovery. Our only problem is we think we are better than we really are and we need to slow down a little and let nature heal us some more before we start doing our regular activities!

Drew said...

Did I get that right? Your son had Dr. Chicken Dance operate on him? :)

Glad to hear you both or recovering well.

ChickenGal said...

Yes Dr. Schickendantz !