Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a welcome rain. Everything here was parched and needed a good drink. hoses and watering cans are OK, but a good soaking is better. No damage from the wind, but the rain sure made the weeds pop!. I guess I know what I'll be doing this afternoon.


Stampin Cats said...

Very pretty flower bed. Mine looks like a jungle. Really need to spearate the day lilies. Cats love it. Gives them a place to hind and watch the birds.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

It did rain hard, didn't it? It was really amazing here watching the storm roll in.

The Gathering Room said...

Bernie.I am in awe of all your wonderful cotainers used in planting things... and your garden..being a gardener myself, It is so enjoyable to see what others are doing! BTW..Angie is my sister'
s dd! I was surprised when I saw her posts m the comments as well..LOL
I have your blog bookmarked..you are doing super!! Cindy Illinois